Given the evolvement of the computer world, Greater Bunbury Psychology Services extends its services to the community through Online Psychological Services. Online counselling and therapy can be just as effective as face-to-face consultations for many mental health problems, particularly around the management of anxiety and depressive disorders.
Online counselling and therapy does not involve actual face-to-face contact, so you do not have to physically visit the psychologist’s office. It refers to real-time interaction between the client and the psychologist, using chat-based platforms. It could also involve emails, telephone conversations and text messaging using mobile phone technology.

Greater Bunbury Psychology Service Online practice is based on the same psychological principles as regular counselling and therapy. Therefore, the objectives of counselling and therapy, and the techniques used to achieve those objectives will be the same as if the client were to see the psychologist in the office.
On the other hand, since the client will not be in physical proximity to the psychologist, there are some important caveats and conditions attached to this service. These special conditions will ensure that you get the best care possible given the nature of the interaction while protecting both psychologist and client from difficult situations that could arise due to the absence of physical proximity.
A written explanation of conditions will be provided to clients who seek and are deemed suitable for online services. This will include information on appointments, technology, and protection of personal information and management of emergency situations. Please note that online counselling and therapy may not be feasible for all clients and/or mental health problems and the psychologist will assess suitability before offering this service.
To find out more
Useful links
anxietyonline provides psycho-educational information about anxiety disorders, free automated psychological assessment and self-help treatment programs, plus low cost therapist-assisted programs over 12 weeks.
e-hub’s newest self help interactive program includes modules for social anxiety and generalised anxiety as well as depression. It provides self-help interventions drawn from cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal therapies as well as relaxation and physical activity.
beyondblue is a national response to reduce the prevalence of depression in Australia.
Black Dog
Expert information on depression and Bipolar Disorder for the general public as well as professionals, including information on getting help for mood disorders, suggestions on ways of staying well, and detailed information about the Institute’s research activities.
An online support group for people affected by depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders. It aims to reduce stigma, and to provide support, hope and opportunities for sharing successful coping strategies. The group is run as a moderated bulletin board with strict protocols to enhance safety and privacy.
e-hub’s newest self help interactive program includes modules for social anxiety and generalised anxiety as well as depression. It provides self-help interventions drawn from cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal therapies as well as relaxation and physical activity.
headspace provides young people 12-25, and their families, with information, support and advice on general health; mental health and wellbeing; alcohol and other drugs; education, employment and other services. headspace centres around Australia provide young people with access to youth-friendly health professionals and the headspace website has a section devoted to supporting parents and carers.
A popular interactive program which incorporates cognitive-behaviour therapy for depression. It was first launched in 2001 and is now in its third revision. MoodGYM has been extensively researched and its effectiveness has been demonstrated in randomised controlled trials.
Partners In Depression:
Partners in Depression is an innovative information and support group program. The group program is for people who love, live with or support someone experiencing depression. It has been developed using the current evidence in this field.
Drug and Substance Use
Australian Drug Information Network:
The ADIN provides a central point of access to quality Internet-based alcohol and drug information provided by prominent organisations in Australia and internationally.
headspace provides young people 12-25, and their families, with information, support and advice on general health; mental health and wellbeing; alcohol and other drugs; education, employment and other services. headspace centres around Australia provide young people with access to youth-friendly health professionals and the headspace website has a section devoted to supporting parents and carers.
Living Is For Everyone (LIFE):
The Commonwealth government’s Living Is For Everyone (LIFE) website is a world-class suicide and self-harm prevention resource. Dedicated to providing the best available evidence and resources to guide activities aimed at reducing the rate at which people take their lives in Australia, the LIFE website is designed for people across the community who are involved in suicide and self-harm prevention activities.
Kids’ Helpline:
1800 551 800
A national 24-hour telephone counselling service for children and young people in Australia.
13 11 14
A national 24-hour telephone counselling service for all ages.